What You Should Know

imageOur dreams for the future should not be of greatness or wealth, but freedom: the ability to think, speak and act freely, as women…This is a free world, risen from the ashes of oppression, but we are a prisoner of our bodies and our gender-roles. We should not have to justify our actions to anyone but ourselves. Ultimately, it is us who has to live with the moral consequences. If we wish to devote our lives to a higher cause, such as the search for meaning, we should not do so because a deity demands it. We should only do so, when it is what our heart, mind and spirit asks of us. Anything else is not selfless devotion to a higher being. It is lip-service, self-deception or conformity to something we have never striven to understand. Faith should not be taken lightly, it is very personal business to all of us. Particularly, for those willing to sacrifice their lives in the fight for religious domination or freedom.

Hope For The Best, Expect The Worst

The prophet Mohammed rode into battle alongside his female lieutenant, whereas the present-day interpretation of Islam has made women prisoners in their own homes. It has made them tools of self-gratification for men from the moment they can crawl. It is not only despicable, it is highly dangerous, as to the mental health of their victims. They are creating ticking time-bombs in charge of raising future generations, which can only result in hich rates of violent crime and suicide.
Generation after generation has been subjected to psychological torment and has been beaten into sexual submission, as a blatant abuse of the religious authority of the state. In such a country, where there is no protection for women, their offsprings can never be of optimal psychological health, regardless of the gender. They are raised with extreme forms of Stockholm syndrome, after being beaten, sexually abused and coerced into religious worship. Every inch of their identity is stripped from them…Every basic requirement from the food they eat, the clothes they wear to what they say is controlled by the men in their lives. Now, is that a life, in which any of us can ever be at peace with the world or ourselves?

Sharia Defies Human Rights

Women have it hard enough in the West without the inference of religious laws being thrust upon those that are enslaved and oppressed by them. No country should be governed by laws that advocate gender biases, it only festers corruption and inequality. For those few women that survive, cold indifference becomes a state of being. Some ex-Muslims that I have spoken to live in fear of Islam. As apostates, Sharia laws means condemning them to death. It seems that men, women and children are becoming slightly more afraid with each day that Islamic Laws will create an Islamic State, where no justice can prevail.

There is a difference between being ‘islamophobic’ and being weary of the surge of migrants that are taking a hold of the West, so Educate Yourself. Do not believe what you read in the Newspaper, unless you can be 100% certain that is is not propaganda. Know your cultural history, read more books, trust your gut and see for yourself what is happening in your community.

Organised Religion has no room in state politics or in the administration of the law. Particularly, when it defies human rights and common sense. Since the abolishment of capital punishment, what use is there for religion in the court-room? Prayer cannot change the verdict of a judge. It cannot protect the guilty or shield the innocent, as much as sending a thought into the universe can alter the course of cause and effect. It is unethical to demand religious devotion and/or worship of a non-believer. We were all born with free will. We have the right to be free from religion. That does not mean we have to thrust our beliefs down everybody’s throats, but we can act in defence of our right to free expression.
In a world, where religious freedom is political and political expression is religious. It becomes obvious that they reversed the rules on us in an attempt to infiltrate. It’s psychological warfare 101 to turn the target nation in on itself to weaken its defences. Without the ability to defend itself, it is ready for the taking. (Particularly, if you’ve already taken the outer zones)

France: While the protests are still ongoing for at least the next month, the no-go zones appear to be expanding. Although the Erdogan, the Turkish PM, criticises the French for their way of handling the demonstrators, if the tables were turned, we would witness a press-blackout followed by a significant reduction in the population. Erdogan is demonstrating another tactic of political infiltration, using our own weapons religion, politics and law against us.
The only thing that can possibly win against this is war. The time when complete non-resistance or non-cooperation across Europe would have been effective has passed. Now, our options are limited by the number of people we can dedicate to the problem of violent crime in our streets. The more people support the political freedom of their country, the less violence will need to be applied to regain their policies and territories. The less people take action, the more brutal the measures have to be. When outnumbered against hordes of battle-trained war refugees with more reinforcements hiding in close proximity, the situation can become life-threatening in seconds.

Germany: With about 1.5M refugees, only about 446’000 have been granted asylum. Although the remainder have not left the country, Germany has not taken any action. With daily sexual assaults by 3-15+ economic migrants converging on a single woman, law enforcement is reluctant to pursue the matter for religious/political reasons. An asylum seeker does not commonly exhibit hostile tendencies or commit violent crimes in the country that has given him or her refuge. If their application is denied by the state, they may resort to petty theft to support themselves, but they do not rape and pillage whatever catches their attention at the time.
A good tactician plays with his target, as a cat would with a mouse. They feign weakness, in the form of poverty and immobility, until they suddenly pounce upon their target. Yet, economic migrants are not as skilled at covert warfare, which plays in our favour by altering us to the threat the moment it began. However, the instant Merkel announced her open-door policy, welcoming millions into the country, she opened the country to political invasion. Without the forced deportation of millions of economic migrants that have remained long after their legal right to stay expired, Germany will continue to suffer. As Merkel refuses to assist her people out a sense of false pride in her decision, she is a representative of the people…And in every country, people have the right to simply refuse public support. It is even our human right to refuse elected officials, if we feel our political freedoms are threatened or compromised. Merkel opened the front gates and invited in a Trojan horse that she is now refusing to acknowledge or even comment on. Her unwillingness to respond to negative feedback make her highly dangerous and perhaps unstable. Ironically, her decision has made Germany more powerful in the European Union, but it has sacrificed its people to achieve this and most likely the future of the EU.
Although only 250’000 people would be required to gather in Berlin to overwhelm authorities, there is consistent evidence that the retaliation against political resistance in the fight for political freedom would be more than just instantaneous.

Austria: An EU exit would be perhaps one of the most peaceful solutions. Having grown up in the area, we never needed border control, remember what that was like? When you could walk through the Alps without worrying about migrants, lurching in the bushes. Now, even locking the door or excellent security system cannot stop the high increase in burglaries, rapes and random violence. Only 50’000 protesters are required to overwhelm die Wiener Behörden in a unified movement for the rights of men and women alike to regain political control over their country.

Switzerland: In a recent attack in May 2016 at a Swiss border, caught on CCTV, a group of approx. 2″ migrants blocked the road. The car stopped, the driver and passenger exited vehicle and before they knew it another 15 migrants descended into them out of the woods nearby. When in doubt, always stay in your car, lock the doors and drive and dial the police, if necessary. In the footage, a car sped by and took some of the migrant off their feet (without visibly injuring any of them). However, the content quickly turns into a snuff film as they knock out the driver and group around the female passenger after giving her a bloody nose and take her trousers off…

Here’s what happened & what is yet to come:


As a female psychologist in a profession that’s pretty much a boys-club, I may be scarcely heard or acknowledged, but I’m afraid to say that I turn out to be right more often than I’m comfortable with. Some women enjoy the thrill of the “I told you so.”, I just find it adds animosity to an already tense, if not hostile situation. (Being right for women is like telling someone to move their shit on the stairs, before they stumble over it. Nobody cares when you say it but you can be guaranteed that there’s going to be a crash, bang and wallop in the near future)

Hinduism: 400 million Hindus were slain during Muslim invasion and occupation of India. Survivors were enslaved and impregnated or castrated. India’s population is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the mid 1500’s, the Hindu population had been reduced to approx. 200 million. (The conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. “Hindu slaughter.”)

Mass Rapes: In April 2016, a group of male refugees, heading for Europe accidentally wound up across the border of Russia. They 40-50 of them charged into a night-club and began to seize the female staff and guests for their own twisted pleasure. Although it did not take long until Russian law enforcement intervened and administered their own brand of justice.

Public Beheadings: As tensions increase, they will undoubtedly attempt to make an example of public and/or religious figures. Lyle Zimmermann fell victim to this fear-tactic, when he was attacked a tube-station and almost publicly beheaded. This is just another example of how the verse of the sword is misused to target any religious organisation that they cannot infiltrate. This commonly accomplished by spreading fear and ridding them of their most beloved members.

HIV & Other STD’s: The surge of migrants and continued number of sexual assaults is likely to propagate many incurable sexually-transmitted conditions. Most commonly reported conditions reported in survivors are HIV and Hepatitis. Considering this inconceivable fate, survivors would be at a higher risk of suicide. Victim support in these cases is essential, but often neglected, but there is much that we can all do to provide a safe place for them to begin the healing process. (Although there’s nothing that can’t be treated with a bi-annual dose of 9-Liquid Ounces of cannabis in a country, where it is legal, these strands are most likely more invasive, but still originate from the same man-made strain. To flush and restart the system would necessitate an additional 1-2 liquid ounces per month. It is recommended to abstain from alcohol, tobacco and processed food in-between treatment, but pure blunts or hemp & cannabis joints have shown to aid recovery. It should be noted that every liquid ounce is comparably three times more than a solid ounce of freshly grown medicinal cannabis, so don’t underestimate the amount required for this endeavour. In this case, better too much than too little and sooner rather than later.)

Religious & Political Warfare: Over the previous centuries, Islam has destroyed a great deal of spiritual, academic culture. Entire Buddhist and Hindu temples that have existed since before the birth of Christ were eradicated or burnt to a cinder. From a Western perspective, there is no amount of resistance from a single individual that can combat the birth-rate of the migrant population. One against 50 only works, when you have an uzi with unlimited ammunition, a suicide-vest or (if you’re a woman) a cyanide pill. (Especially now since every good muslim should have at least 4 kids) Only political resistance from small groups or large crowds, which invariably devolve into violence, would make an impact.

Political Infiltration: All migrants require is humanitarian tolerance in a host country, and the political freedom of women is directly threatened. Women are snatched off the streets, impregnated and detained in no-go zones against their will. We often speak of racial bias but we only criticise and improve our own conduct. While their blatant disregard of the Western cultures as well as laws grows disguised as religion, we are too busy arguing over the finer points of morality. Our judicial systems are morally superior through the sheer fact that we do not prohibit women from leaving their homes unaccompanied. We do not allow child marriages and yet migrants are abducting more children from playgrounds. If they disappear, we cannot judge their ‘way of life’, which is inherently detrimental to women. The mere existence of Sharia Law in this world is a hate-crime against women. Dare I say, the mere existence of Islam, for their punishment of apostasy with death, is a crime against humanity and every freedom we hold dear.

Mosques Everywhere: A success for Islam would be to establish a mosque at every single street-corner in every single country. Countries, which embrace Islam, must allow Sharia law. By doing so, they weaken their stance on human rights, opening themselves even further to the possibility of being subjected to religious laws that did not originate from the country.

Mass Executions of Non-Believers: In Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, the United States and Europe, one does not need to look very far to see mass executions swept neatly under the carpet. A large amount of the no-go zones were acquired and expanded through harassment and violent crime. In London, Berlin, Sweden and Denmark, they are extending their grasp in the community by extorting shop-keepers. If they refuse to pay, they will vandalise the store and often grievously injure staff. These are all basic warfare tactics that mark the first stage of a religious and political invasion.

Brexit: Although this culture of violence has spread to the United Kingdom, it appears as if most of the illegal migrants that smuggled their way into England are too occupied by the EU referendum. Their vote and yours will determine, whether British culture will become history. Brexit would be only means to stop the inflow, while it is still manageable, but that does not end the economic warfare tactics of the EU. However, the more countries would leave the EU and cooperate to re-build than without a Brexit. It’ll take time to rebuild every fraction that the EU surgically sliced out of Britain, ranging from steel, the docks, import and export to the military. However, if the protests in France give the migrant population the advantage they seek, the entirety of Europe would feel the hostile presence that has taken ahold of their communities. As Hitler once said, all you need to do to control Europe is conquer France, yet England has always been the key piece. Without Britain, you have nothing, which explains the consistent surge of illegal migrants and repeated attempts to break through Calais. It is military strategy, rather than a benefit or healthcare scam. That and they are still trying to get back at us from last time, when they swore holy war against the British Empire (although most historians are asked by the EU to omit that part).

Point-Based Immigration: If the system survives the propaganda pumped out by mainstream media, and make it through to a trial run, it would certainly not collapse the global economy. Far from it, it would offer the British Isle the opportunity to re-build their infrastructure. To produce and manufacture, instead of import everything from EU. Especially since the product quality has been severely diminished, as the products are not able to face the harsh environmental conditions. For example, german-made propellers for wind-farms are not capable of withstanding a certain speed of winds, hence they continually break down due lower wind threshold. In simple terms, they overheat quickly and break due to deliberately poor craftsmanship. (This costs the taxpayer thousands every single time that maintenance is required. For a fraudulent scam, they’ve amassed vast sums from only that one product. One shudders to crunch the numbers of all EU-products with high incident report rates) However, much it has been requested by the public to switch back to British models, this issue could no longer be ignored after an EU exit. Other countries would benefit from the economic growth of Britain, as they have many times before. The world is only as strong as its weakest, most exploited countries. Although not as exploited as some countries, the EU is still attempting strategically crush Britain beyond the point of return.

Civil War: Brutality is the only means to justice in a society, in which there is no judicial system outside of religious law. A system, in which the people do not serve to protect each other…In which freedom of expression and sacredness of life are a faint memory of the past. With the press-blackouts, police orders to keep the migrant crisis quiet, repeated assaults and foiled terrorist attempts, it is only a matter of time, until the people do what they are good at…Fight for the most basic rights of all living beings. To protect themselves and the rights of women in future generations.

These times remind me of the reign of Cesar. As a form of entertainment for the masses, hordes of Caucasian slaves were led into the arena to face hordes of Middle-Eastern slaves. Only this time, for the entertainment of the elite, hordes of Middle-Eastern migrants surge to every corner of the globe. While we are on the brink of mass extinction, depopulation measures are still in full swing, as evident by the increase in fatalities as a result of disease, violent crime and protests across the world.