Nature of Reality

Electromagnetic Reality

By shifting ones consciousness, one can attain a glimpse at alternate realities and other appearances that reality may take under certain conditions, however in essence, experience is the product of the mind, spirit, conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings. Each human being is therefore intimately connected with the construction of their own reality, in frequency without being aware of it at all. Basically, translating expectations into physical form. Henceforth, the world is meant to serve as a mere reference point, since the exterior appearance is a replica of inner desire. Yet, the very core of which reality is composed of is of a non-physical, electromagnetic nature. As all is energy, and all therefore is initially a frequency, each individual possesses their own energy blueprint, as it may. In fact, each being possesses a form of uniqueness and source of vitality beyond the that which the human eye is able to detect. For instance, emotions themselves have electromagnetic realities, which even affect the atmosphere itself. They group through attraction, building up areas of events and circumstances that finally coalesce, as it may, either in matter as objects or as events in time. However, feelings are more often than not transitory, yet underneath, there are certain qualities of feeling that are unique in each individual. Similar to deep musical cords. Essentially, they are the tones of the being, representing the core from which the individual forms their experience. All that is experienced possesses consciousness and each consciousness is endowed with its own feeling-tone, as it may. In fact, there is a profound amount of cooperation required in the formation of the earth, including the individual living structures of the planet to rise up from the feeling-tone within each atom and molecule. This energy that constructs the electromagnetic reality stems from the core of being, from all that is, representing a source of never ceasing vitality. Therefore, all of the energy and power is focused and reflected through each and every single living being in the direction of the three-dimensional existence. A mass consciousness as it may, which still possesses an identity. In general, we are all a portion of the before mentioned collective, whilst still maintaining our individuality and independence. For example, trees and rocks possess their own consciousness, while sharing a gestalt consciousness. The cells and organs within the body have their own awareness, as well as a gestalt one. Conclusively, the electromagnetic nature of reality implies that all is initially one, an interconnected whole, throughout the illusion of time and space.

Animal and Human Consciousness.

One of the numerous differences in animal and human consciousness would be the inherent conscious choice or even willpower over instinctual behaviours. The conscious mind allows humans to look outward into the physical universe and view the reflections of their spiritual activity, to perceive and assess the individual and joint constructions of the phenomenal world. Whereas human being may not be aware of the actual intelligence or manner of communication in all animals, there is one significantly large difference between species. Once a living being reaches a level of consciousness, the interpretation of the temporal reality becomes mainly reliant upon the conscious mind. Ideas and beliefs are created which then consequently structure experiences, creating either positive or negative emotions. Whilst an elephant may possess a higher capability of retaining memories than a dog, the ability to create reality linger, often in dormant potential, within all living beings. It should be noted that the lack of capability of communication or respect of life that has been given to other species upon this planet could quite easily be considered criminal within the eyes of a third, observing species. In consequence, countless animals may be of higher intelligence and intuition than previously expected. It has been known that cats are drawn to individuals close to the end of their life in certain nursing homes, as if numerous animals were more sensitive to the subtler forms of energy that may not be as easily detectible for humans. In additions, animals often live within the equilibrium of their environment, whereas humans have a tendency to do otherwise. For instance, for centuries animals have been culled when their numbers have become too great for humanity or nature to control, however mankind has continued to expand and more than overpopulate the planet, whilst disregarding the underlying truth of humanities destructive capabilities. Therefore, the electromagnetic reality of the dodo becoming extinct may appear innately different to humans than it would to the prey itself. Although animals possess a more instinctive nature, they are also more physically preoccupied with their own survival. The differences in environment should also be considered in the evolution of consciousness within the animal kingdom.


The conscious mind is largely dependent upon the functioning of the physical brain, to an extend keeping the mind to a three-dimensional focus. It naturally orientates the individual toward the environment in which they must operate. However, it is due to the allegiance with the temporal brain that time is perceived as a series of moments. The brain channels the information that the mind receives to the individual physical structure. Henceforth, the mind is largely dependent upon the brains growth, activity and functional capability. More often than not, the individuals imagination will naturally follow their belief structure, as well as the emotions present. Often the idea itself is not buried within the realms of the unconscious, it is simply unexamined. However, beliefs are never truly static, they are in essence ever-changing, ever-evolving, as it may, from childhood to adulthood, as well as, from one life to the next. In consequence, emotions and imagination both follow the belief of the individual. Once the belief has been de-selected, the same emotional context is no longer entertained, thus the imagination would naturally turn to other directions. It should be noted that beliefs automatically mobilize emotional and imaginative powers. Although few beliefs may be intellectual ones on their own, yet once the contents of the conscious mind, one gradually begins to recognize the emotional and imaginative connotations that may be interconnected with a provided idea. In addition, belief and imagination also possesses the capability of producing any desired emotions, which is commonly applied in NLP techniques, such as anchoring or swishing. Existing within such diversified, rich environment-possibilities, the human psyche required and developed a conscious mind that was able to generate concise and accurate minute by minute judgements and evaluations. Henceforth, as the conscious mind began to expand, the range of imagination did also. Thus the conscious mind serves as a vehicle for imagination, often as a form of unconsciously creating reality, yet after all enriching conscious reasoning and emotional experience of the phenomenal world. Almost as a manner of creating reality, as one goes along. The conscious mind is meant to look into the exterior world and into the interior one, as a vehicle for the expression of the soul in corporeal terms, as it may. As beliefs naturally attract the appropriate emotions, they are further reinforced through imagination and visualization. Therefore, all of the powers of the inner self are set into activation as a result of conscious beliefs, leaving each human being with a responsibility for their thoughts, as combined with imagination they have unlimited potential power lingering within them, which actively is able to alter life as it is ultimately perceived.

Reincarnation and Karma

Throughout the physical incarnations, individuals are mainly concerned with the physical orientation and the corporeal materialization of the inner reality. As the mind in life is intimately connected to the brain and the physical organism, it is automatically attuned to the corporeal entity, it could even be stated that it to a certain extent disregards some non-physical data that lies within any given field of perception. In essence, it simply does not allow it into its organizing perceptions, hence the data is then blocked out. The root of this is often the belief-structures surrounding the ideas of ones own perception. Although it may not be always consciously realized, the conscious mind is in itself constantly in development and expansion. On an unconscious level, each individual organizes the atoms and molecules that compose the cells, which form the body, the blueprint however is formed by the belief-systems. In fact, there are chains of influence that are actually composed of inner values of sound that thread together as it were, the complicated inter-weavings of both genes and chromosomes. Literally, these sound values are interwoven in an electromagnetic pattern. Although the conscious mind will always attempt to make sense of out belief-structures, to form them into patterns and sequences, organizing them as rationally as possible, which may not always be probable. In addition, the concept of cause and effect is often misinterpreted within certain belief structures that are more or less based upon the notion of punishment. Therefore, the conception that an individual may be reborn into a particular life time in order to endure suffering for past crimes has become a quite commonly held belief, although it is in essence erroneous. Whilst it is accurate that the body is the living materialization of idea, it is also true that these ideas form an active, responsive body consciousness, not as separate from the spirit as originally thought. It should be noted that Seth also hints toward the fact that previous lives, occurring at the same time of future lives, are capable of influencing future development. Henceforth, the present moment possesses the capability of altering ones own ever-changing future self. Although the circumstances may not always be ideal, one still requires to accept ones own responsibility, whilst slowly moving closer towards a higher state of evolution at a soul level, altering patterns of behaviour as the existence of all that is progresses. Also, multiple existences are often simultaneous and open-ended within the multi-dimensional reality.

Aggression, War and Violence

For instance, guilt is on the other side of compassion. It original purpose was to enable the individual to empathize with themselves and other living beings within their environment. It had become the species manifestation of the animals unconscious corporeal sense of justice and integrity. Such as, a hunter only taking as many lives as required in order to provide physical sustenance. It has over the course of human history become evident that the natural equilibrium has been more than slightly tilted. In addition, an individual in a state of immense anger or fear will naturally divert from their usual course of action and perhaps become submerged in the intense state of emotion temporarily. As it is rather easy to be caught up within the sequences of events and subsequent surges of emotion, the notion that one has somewhat become a victim of external circumstances would not appear to be too far-fetched. Although each individual is essentially responsible for the perception and construction of their own reality matrix, one can become carried away within a continual loss of power, which is in turn then the causal factor in a destructive, aggressive or even violent behavioural expression. For instance, the common denominator in most criminal acts is the element of power that is experienced by the perpetrator, who often is perceived as being powerless and helpless within daily life. Within the act of defending oneself, however, there are a variety of physical actions that could be performed, which would not involve murder, that would suffice in rendering the perceived threat. Yet, as long as humanity continues to believe that violence must be encountered with violence, the mind and body themselves become a form of battle-ground. The further this belief would be reinforced by the mass consciousness, the more earth itself would become hostile territory. It should be noted that moments of reflection serve a preventative purpose in this matter. However, for instance, current issues of overpopulation are resultant in an increase of wars and crime. And if it is solved by aggressive forms of conflict, it is in frequency compensated for by disease. Nonetheless, love in essence is outgoing, as is aggression. One cannot inhibit one without similarly affecting the other, so under such conditions, the non-dual nature of reality is revealed.

Racial Tension

Since the natural communication of aggression has been broken down within society, humanity often confuses aggression with violence without understanding the creative potential of it or its purpose as a method of communication in order to prevent violence. In fact, a great effort is invested into the restraint of the communicative elements of aggression, whilst ignoring its many positive values until its power becomes so exponentially bottled up that it results in an explosion of violence. Henceforth, violence is a distortion of aggression. It should be noted that at times the process of deflection and the appearance of diversity does not always allow for these before mentioned elements to be channelled productively, often creating a profound dislike of certain qualities that are often also found within the self. For instance, whereas an individual is often culturally conditioned toward the dislike of another race of humanity due to the environmental surrounding of the individual, racial family feuds often fuel the warlike vendetta even further. A conscious belief focuses ones attention, channelling it and directing it so that the notions can be swiftly brought into the physical existence, however at times, these beliefs may not be as fruitful as previously expected. The hatred toward another human being due to the colour of their skin, the curvature of their nose or even their ancestry has become a daily occurrence within countless countries. For example, within the United States, since September 11, the racial tensions between the Caucasian and the Islamic individuals have caused them to distance themselves further apart. Certain individual have even expressed their concern of being seated next to an individual of Islamic or Arabic descent due to the War on Terror. It has become one retaliation after the next. Truth be told, no one actually remembers the reason, but then no one truly questions it either. Often the true motive comes into view, the fear of the populous and the greed of the few in charge. Yet, it should be noted that “white man” has created wars based upon appearance since the discovery of Africa. Mind you, Africa still is not in charge of their own diamond mines etc. Throughout history, the slavery and captivity of those different from us by appearance has been well documented. However, certain countries or regions upon the planet are more likely to be exposed to conditioned or environmental discriminative racial tendencies. Professionally, I am of the opinion that it supplies “white man” with a slight hint of arrogance, for instance, looking down upon the African American drug supplier down the road, whereas often they are subjected to the belief and criticism of others. An idea that can spread or be reversed within a moment. Aggression, prejudice and jealousy, like any other emotion, is similar to a drop of water hitting the ocean, the shock-wave, whether positive or negative creates a ripple effect,  thus affecting the external environment.

Purpose of Dreams

The general purpose of dreams is initially a therapeutic one, representing almost a bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind. Due to the illusive nature of dreams, one would be able to find oneself in any given scenario that may appeal to the current inner conflict that one may be facing. It should be noted that dreams and the physical events of an individuals life constantly alters the chemical balances within the body. A dream may be purposely experienced to provide an outlet of a kind that is missing within the routine of daily life. It will mobilize the resources available and fill the body with a rush of the necessitated hormones, constructing a dream state of stress that will provide the organisms healing abilities into combat, resulting in the end to a particular physical symptoms, for instance. However, another dream may provide a peaceful interlude, in which all stress is minimized, in consequence with the overactive output of certain hormones and chemicals quieted as a result. Initially, the nature of dreams allows the individual to move within the perimeters of the temporal space that they have created for themselves, yet a much lighter form of existence as it may. Any conscious thought or intention naturally influences the dream, and often more rapidly than within the phenomenal realm. The role-playing scenarios in the dream would be one in which, problems that are currently creating imbalances within the body, are creatively solved. Dreams of a strongly aggressive nature in this context may be profoundly beneficial to a given individual, allowing the release of usually inhibited feelings and freeing the body from tension. By such constant dream therapy, both mind and body regulate themselves to a large degree. It is true that in dreams, one may reach some of the deepest sources of your being at times, yet even there the expression of that being is far too individualistic to assign the same kind of unconscious meaning to overall symbols. In consequence, the meaning of each dream differs per individual due to the unique nature of the psyche, henceforth the assignment of fixed meaning to fixed content viewed during the dream time is not as effective, since the process of association is differs from one individual to the next. Henceforth, the meaning of dreams will at all times be a rather personal one that only the affected one would be able to decipher. In addition, the actual action occurs during the precession of the dream itself, on deep psychic and biological levels. The dream’s happening, in fact, affects the entire physical condition of the individual, therefore it has a constant therapeutic effect. Although the physical body has been conditioned to the application of medication since birth, once the imbalances of a physical nature have been removed by the introduction of drugs, the body will often signal that the inner dilemma has been resolved, when more often than not it has not. The whole organism is not at one with itself under such conditions, the inner mechanics are disturbed, as it may, whilst the basic challenge is not only not faced, yet constantly denied the physical expression and would naturally bring about its natural solution. However, the merging and similarities of the waking and dreaming state should also be taken into consideration.