How To Defend Against Multiple Attackers – Part 1

“Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves.” (Geert Wilders)

The migrant crisis has led to a surge of violent crime that will persist until it devolves into war on the streets. Across the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, gangs of Muslims are targeting women. It has been known to happen that groups of 3-4 women are set upon by a group of 15-20 men. That’s 3-5 men per woman on average… A recent border incident has shown that they exhibit the characteristics of opportunistic sex offenders, meaning that when the need calls for it, they will share one woman as a group of almost 30 men.

Go Out In Groups: Contrary to popular belief, attacks occur when people follow their routine. Unless you are on your own coming home from a night-club, there is little chance of an assault. Instead rape happens more often when on the way home from work or when women just leave the house for a quick errand. To fight a Sharia Law based systems that reinforces unaccompanied women are easy targets, women must learn to defend themselves. Attend your local dojo or go kick-boxing. Practice meditation. Or take other kinds of self-defence classes.


There will come a time, when wherever we go, we’ll be at risk of being mugged, raped or beaten half to death. Not knowing your escape route, before you are confronted by multiple attackers reduces your chances to get away. Often people give themselves away by visible tells that they are about to run for their life. By the time they surround you, it’s usually too late to run without maiming a few of them and being chased down to road.

Use your Strengths: Leading up to a physical conflict, look around you. If you can see any improvised weapons, such as stones, pipes, a garbage can, use them. Otherwise, use whatever you are and have to your advantage. Even delicate roses have thorns…So, take off those high heels and use them as weapons. Go for the eyes and throat. In a life-death situation, facing a gang of attackers that are out to rape and kill their victim, there is no dissuading them from acting out whatever is in their mind. Particularly, if they do not speak any language you are familiar with and their religious ideology allows them to commit unspeakable acts of violence without prosecution.

Assess The Situations

If you cannot run, you have the right to defend yourself within reason. There is no need to rip a muggers neck open with your teeth, unless a group has got your legs and arms pinned down and you know you are going to die a horrible death after being raped multiple times.

Identify The Leader: More often than not, you don’t need to fight the whole group. Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter, but a history of constant war has made the Middle-East fairly skilled at preventing that from happening. On your own, long-range weaponry remains the most effective means to target the leader in the back yelling orders in Arabic as the group surrounds the victim, immobilising her for the leader to come in. In a group, the most proficient tactic is to clear and hold the path to the leader of the opposing force. Cold-heartedly maiming and incidentally inflicting fatal injuries is often not an option on your own or in a group, when you’re in a fight for your life. That notwithstanding, a sly tactiction would strike even when they flee to regroup. He would see them for what they are…like Hydra, cut off one head, ten more will hunt you down, because they remember your face and you interfered with their holy war that dates back thousands of years.

If they lose 2-3 men, every single time they go out and target women alone or in mass, they will think twice about it next time. This may raise their numbers at the next attack, but every single time they are left with a heap of death bodies, they are losing money. Every penny they earn from petty theft, burglary and fraud is donated upwards, except for less than the bare essentials. Without these men that are basically economic criminals by day and violent sex offenders by night, this pyramid scheme or all-encompassing system cannot function.

Even if Islam were to take the entire world, it is based on exploitation on every level…It would invariably collapse, as systems based on unequal wealth distribution often do. It has only survived for this long, as it suppresses the freedom of women. It has allowed men to to seize whatever they desire whenever they desire, regardless of how old their victim may be. Control over the opposite sex is an incentive that many men cannot resist, particularly if they have suffered abuse at the hands of a female caregiver or relative. Control and domination of every aspect of a woman’s life gives these men power, fuelling the belief that they are beyond the law. If ever disillusioned, they will be at their most vulnerable but also highly dangerous. In such a state, they are most likely to lash out at the smallest trigger and random opportunities that may present themselves.

Don’t Go Straight Home, If You Live Alone: There have been too many home-invasions, simply because more attackers have begun to follow their target home instead of attacking them out in the open. This rarely occurs after a failed attack. It is more common-place to follow women to identify where they live before staging a premeditated attack in high numbers, since the migrant crisis began. So, be prepared. Make certain you’re not followed or head to the closest police station in your car, if you are in fact being followed beyond any doubt. On foot, there is often no police station nearby, when you need one. Late at night, there are even fewer locations open. Don’t bother frantically banging on doors, but make it your business to know where to run to in an emergency wherever you go. (i.e. petrol stations, restaurants, fast food joints etc.)

Inform Authorities: Report what has happened to the police! Even if you were just threatened, chased down the street or almost attacked, REPORT IT. Although the migrant crisis is resulting in many serious crimes simply being brushed to the side, the more reports are made, the more public the issue becomes.

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