Knowledge is Free

The lessons, we learn in life, represent deep realisations that can only come from adversity. In the processes of creation, preservation and destruction, the nature of the cosmos is inherently violent. Therefore, our knowledge is gained from our sweat, tears and pain. It is not effortlessly attained, but it is completely free from materialistic constraints, such as money or conflict.

It can only be found within, since it emerges from the deepest part of ourselves. The part, who knows when our choices involve the lives of others, that they have physical consequences for this person, including everyone associated with. But, they also have moral consequences that do not abide by our sensitivities, quite the opposite. We may think our actions are selfless, but when we take the liberty to decide for another or speak on their behalf, then we are taking the most precious thing they have…Their freedom.

Keys To The Soul

When you have the key that unlocks all the deepest doors within you, yet you don’t know how to place it in the lock, then what does that make you? What does that make me or even us? I suppose it means we’re stuck. Damned to wandering this Earth with the keys to the Universe in our pockets, reluctant to figure out the perfect combination to unlock those celestial gates to anywhere and everywhere.

That which we already have in our possession is far more powerful than all the religions of all the worlds combined and it’s source is you. It is all of us…

When everything in existence comes together, from the lowest plane to the highest celestial abode, including every being, every thought-form and every act…When the cosmos itself dissolves or is absorbed back into its cause, then we all return to our natural state. A state, in which All is One, as it always has been.

We carry the worlds in our hearts, minds and souls. Wherever we go, we carry them with us…Mistakenly believing that they emanate from outside us, when they originate from pure consciousness. The part of our awareness who speaks silence. It knows us better than we know ourselves, as all the insight that we believe is ours, has bestowed upon us by it. Our silent witness is ever-vigilantly watching from the background. It knows no secrets and nothing can be withheld from it. Our soul is laid bare to it…as it is the spirit from which the soul sprung.

It knows our bodies and our minds far more intimately than we can comprehend at this time. It seeks to fulfil only our highest potential, while it sees all paths laid out before us. What we may become, what we could be and what we is inevitably our fate. For it, time is the manner our consciousness interprets a sequence of moments. It is how it measures all temporary change that is ongoing, but that in the grand scheme of things never truly was. It is light incarnate. The cloth from which we were all cut from is but a spark. Yet, to find the spark means that we may eventually be led to the flame. However, we should beware, following fire may get us burnt. It may vanquish our bodies, as all our delusions are set ablaze. Nonetheless, the pain can only be as strong as the heights of pleasure we attain. For however high we soar, the further we must fall. And so our soul becomes the great destroyer and the infinite liberator of us all… It is a part of that, which shapes the fabric of our finite realities. It is infinite, pure existence beyond all thought and action.

May The Great Spirit Walk With You 〰

Enlightenment Versus Submission

What is the concept of religion? Or more importantly, why is it?

Religion has become an all-encompassing system that functions in all essence like a corporation. The Vatican, for example, is an arms stockholder and a bank with great influence in the corporate community. Our modern representation religion has strayed far from its intended purpose…It no longer serves as a voice of reason or compassion, but detachment from the people that it serves. Corruption in any institution can only take hold, if organised elements within it act on delusional beliefs that do not benefit the greater whole. Although many religious scriptures are hardly embodiments of peace or provide more than a handful of useful principles, not all of them have been edited, suppressed or destroyed. Some still offer guidance toward understanding a higher power…an essence that existed prior to this multi-verse.

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Living is Learning

Living is learning by accumulating experience. That includes theory and practical application. Yet, how deeply we carry that knowledge is entirely our decision.

– Anita B. Sulser Ph.D.